Spaced Repetition 間歇重複溫習法

How to learn any language: SPACED REPETITION (2020)

Tools I mentioned in this video:
1. Anki (for advanced learners):
2. Polyglot Lab:
3. Glossika:
I’ll show you how to learn any language using spaced repetition.
Spaced repetition is THE language acquisition strategy that too many people are missing out on.
Go to my website to learn more:
Here are the resources I recommend for learning Japanese:
Best price for Glossika:
Best price for Lingq:
Best price for JP101:

How to Study for Exams (Episode 2)
Spaced Repetition | Evidence-based revision tips

身為世界最高大學學府之一的劍橋,醫學院第一榮譽畢業的學生,Space Repetition只是第二重要的溫習策略,且看看這位聰明的大學尖子,如何介紹Space Repetition如何針對「遺忘曲線」The Forgetting Curve,提升溫習時間的效果。


Today we’re continuing our series about how to study for exams with scientifically-proven techniques. This video is all about spaced repetition and how to apply it to your own study routine. We talk about some of the evidence behind it, and I share my own tips for how to build your spaced repetition spreadsheet. Enjoy!

PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO FIRST – [How to study for exams – Evidence-based revision tips – YouTube](…)

01:05 – Introduction to spaced repetition
01:41 – The forgetting curve
04:40 – Spaced repetition within the same study session
06:41 – Structuring each day of study with spaced repetition in mind
08:37 – Tips for incorporating spaced repetition into your study routine
09:35 – Anki flashcards app
10:03 – Spaced repetition in everyday life
11:39 – Ali’s magical spaced repetition spreadsheet system.
12:40 – The importance of scoping your subject
16:17 – Tips for using the magical SR system
21:09 – Why I don’t like revision timetables
23:23 – Summary + closing remarks

1. [Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology – John Dunlosky, Katherine A. Rawson, Elizabeth J. Marsh, Mitchell J. Nathan, Daniel T. Willingham, 2013](…)

2. [Spaced retrieval: absolute spacing enhances learning regardless of relative spacing. – PubMed – NCBI](…)

3. [Forgetting curve – Wikipedia](…)

4. [Anki – powerful, intelligent flashcards](

Revision Schedule 溫習時間表

如何盡用時間,計劃Study Leave時間表?



How to Study for Exams – The STic Framework for Effective Learning

Hey team, in this video we’re talking about STic, a framework for studying / learning anything. We talk about Spacing, Testing, Interleaving and Categorising. If you can build your own study routines around these 4 principles, you’ll be unstoppable. Enjoy!

1. My most popular video introducing Active Recall –
2. My 2nd most popular video about Spaced Repetition –
3. How to learn new content –
4. The Retrospective Revision Timetable –
5. A playlist of my study tips videos –…

1. David Epstein on ‘Invest Like The Best –
2. David Epstein – The Sports Gene –
3. David Epstein – Range –
4. McDaneil & Brown – Make it Stick –

How to study for exams (Episode 1)
Evidence-based revision tips

Today we’re learning how to study for exams with scientifically-proven techniques. We start by talking about why rereading, highlighting and summarising are pretty inefficient, and then talk about the evidence behind Active Recall as the most efficient revision technique. We end with a few suggestions as to how to incorporate Active Recall into your study routine. Enjoy xx


1. 01:29 – Popular but inefficient technique #1 – Rereading
2. 03:29 – Popular but inefficient technique #2 – Highlighting
3. 04:51 – Popular but inefficient technique #3 – Summarising
4. 06:42 – Active Recall, and the evidence behind why it’s the most effective revision strategy.
5. 09:18 – Study #1 – Spitzer 1939
6. 10:22 – Study #2 – Butler 2010
7. 11:16 – Study #3 – Karpicke & Blunt 2011
8. 13:41 – Specific, practical strategies for incorporating Active Recall into your revision / study routine.
9. 14:19 – Strategy #1 – Anki flashcards
10. 16:07 – Strategy #2 – Closed-book spider diagrams
11. 17:33 – Strategy #3 – Questions instead of notes, the Cornell note-taking system
12. 19:18 – Summary and closing remarks

If you’re actually interested in looking up these studies, the Dunlosky review paper (Link #1 below) is probably the best place to start. The references section there is full of useful links, all of which i cba to include in this video description 🙂

1. Dunlosky et al 2013 – [Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology. – PubMed – NCBI](…)

2. Karpicke 2016 – [A powerful way to improve learning and memory](…)

3. Spitzer 1939 –…

4. Butler 2010 –…

5. Karpicke & Blunt 2011 – [Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than Elaborative Studying with Concept Mapping | Science](…)

6. Anki – [Anki – powerful, intelligent flashcards](

7. Make it Stick –

8. Podcast episode with the author of ‘Make it Stick’ –…

My Study Method + Revision Tools – Cambridge junior doctor

In this video, I talk through my general process for preparing for my next set of postgraduate medical exams, and discuss some of the tools that I’ll be using along the way. Enjoy!

This video is sponsored by Quizlet – #StudyWithQuizlet #StudyWithDoctorAli #ad

00:14 – Introduction to the Series
01:44 – The 2 principles of effective studying
03:12 – My study strategy
06:18 – Quizlet flashcards
08:17 – Google Sheets
09:48 – iPad Pro + Apple Pencil
10:41 – Exam questions
11:28 – Textbooks

Ali Abdaal’s Blog about Studying

Ali Abdaal在他的部落格(Blog)分享了他學習心得的文章,當然全是英文書寫的,部分甚至是他分享學習心得影片的講稿,歡迎大家用您最擅長的理解方法,例如原始如翻查字典,或使用快譯通/好易通古董字典經,又或賣弄網絡小聰明的Google Translate,來瞭解這位劍橋大學醫學院尖子的學習方法。


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【考前衝刺】DSE 英文口試 English Speaking :
一條片了解五大回應技巧 + 組織5**發言

呢條片會好有系統將DSE English Speaking (Paper 4)說話既流程分做五大個步驟,講解一個奪高分DSE Speaking 5**既發言同Individual Response應有既元素,重點解說大部分考生的通病—回應及與其他考生的溝通,等大家知道準備、組織、講出每個高分發言應做的事。

6分鐘速食 | DSE Maths數學:

數學除左最大嗰啲3D, Trigo, Probi課題之外仲有好多好易被忽略既課題可能會出現係考試度!
呢條片就會教番大家一啲你可能唔記得左既Conept,尤其係低form教既課題 🙂
喜歡的話記得like同訂閱支持下我! 有任何意見或者指正歡迎係下面提出 🙂
平行四邊形仲有prof by definition: 對邊都平行。
a+b larger than c and
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【考前衝刺】DSE LS 通識:
答題技巧以外的溫習方法 – 拆字、推論、例子

有好多人問我DSE LS 通識可以點溫習、點讀書,我就一次過拍呢條片同大家拆解DSE嘅三大元素:拆字、推論同例子,等大家知道如何去組織一條通嘅題目,係做DSE Past Paper,一定要先了整條DSE通識題目嘅Structure!

試前準備(考試當日) Preparation for the Exam Day

考試流程 + 試前準備 + 當日須知


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怎樣為考試溫習-實證方法大師班,是由劍橋大學醫學院第一榮譽畢業的尖子Abi Abdaal主講,假若免費的教學影片,不足以滿足您溫習的需要,您可以課金參加這個課程。
About This Class

Being able to study efficiently and effectively is a superpower. As students, it boost our grades, reduces our stress levels and frees up our time to do more interesting things. But we’re never taught how to do it. Most of us rely on ‘intuitive’ techniques like rereading, note-taking, summarising and highlighting to get through our exams. But as the evidence shows, these intuitive techniques are often counter-productive.

In this class, I’ll take you through the well-kept secrets of how to study effectively. We’ll break down (1) how to understand our content using techniques like the Feynman Method, Active Recall and various note-taking strategies, (2) how to remember our material with Spaced Repetition, Interleaving and various memory techniques, and (3) how to maintain focus while studying, from developing the motivation and discipline to do the work, to taking appropriate breaks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

I was a medical student at Cambridge University (UK) from 2012-2018. In my second year of medical school, I discovered the research around effective studying and memory enhancement, and it completely changed my life. By using the strategies you’ll learn in this class, I was able to start and grow a 6-figure business and later a successful YouTube channel while still getting pretty decent marks in my exams, and actually enjoying the whole process with a minimal level of stress.

Now that I’m a doctor working in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), I still use these techniques when preparing teaching sessions for medical students, and when preparing for my own postgraduate medical exams. These days, my time is even more limited than it was when I was a student, but by using the appropriate study techniques, I can keep on top of the workload while still running my business, YouTube channel and having some semblance of a social life.

So thanks for stopping by – I hope you dive in and you can gain something from this class that you can apply to your own life.

Lesson Notes by the Student