辦工枱設置 Desk Setting

Building the perfect desk setup – 49″ Ultrawide Monitor + Standing Desk

In today’s vlog, we’re updating the desk setup to something totally awesome and totally overkill. Massive thank you to LG and Fully for gifting me the obscenely wide monitor + incredible electric standing desk. Enjoy!

Fully Europe: https://www.fully.eu/
Fully USA: https://www.fully.com/

LG 49WL95C: http://bit.ly/2HgFmsc
Amazon: https://geni.us/49WL95CAli

My Productivity Desk Setup

In this video, I break down everything that’s in my Productivity Desk Setup 2019.

– Standing Desk – https://fully.com/ or https://fully.eu (Europe)
– LG 49 inch UltraWide Monitor – 49WL95C: http://bit.ly/2HgFmsc | https://geni.us/49WL95CAli
– Wallpaper – http://wallpaperswide.com/

閱讀工具 Reading Tools

iPad vs Kindle for Reading Books

Hey friends, in this video I attempt to answer the age-old question of whether you should read books on an iPad or on a Kindle. The short answer – Kindle. The long answer – watch the video 🙂 Enjoy!

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite – http://geni.us/IIBy

My video on Kindle vs Kindle Paperwhite – https://youtu.be/ZQpSCgTnEeI

Bad Blood – Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup (John Carreyrou) – https://geni.us/Badblood

Amazon Kindle vs Kindle Paperwhite

Kindle Paperwhite – https://geni.us/kindlePaperwhiteNew
Kindle (2019) – https://geni.us/amgs

In this video, we’re taking a quick look at Amazon’s latest Kindle (2019) and comparing it to the 2018 Kindle Paperwhite. As I say right at the start, it’s no contest – if you’re in the market for a Kindle, you should get the Paperwhite and totally ignore the Kindle. Enjoy!

蘋果電腦的應用程式 iMac Apps

My Favourite Mac Apps in 2020 | What’s on my MacBook Pro?

Hey guys, today I’ll be taking you through my favourite Mac apps in 2020. I use these apps on a daily basis and they vastly improve my life and help with productivity.

00:35 The Lubricating Jelly – Alfred, Moom
03:55 The Note-Taking Toolbox – Notion, Roam Research, Evernote, Drafts, Notability, Bear, Ulysses
11:11 The 4 Essentials for Getting Stuff Done – Things 3, Superhuman, Fantastical, Google Drive
15:42 The Productive Socializing Suite – WhatsApp, Messages, Slack, Discord
19:43 The Content Creation Machine – Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Screenflow, Ecamm, Adobe CC

學習應用程式 Productivity Apps

The Perfect Note-Taking App

Ali Abdaal認為,選擇合適的筆記編寫應用程式,要根據自己的性格與喜好來決定,不同的筆記app有不同的優劣,我們最好就是按自己的個別情況作出選擇,影片於是分析了各款筆記app的類型與優劣,讓我們更容易作出一個,甚至同時使用多個筆記app的選擇。

Hey friends, in today’s video I will be tackling the factors in choosing the perfect note taking app and how I went about it.

00:00 Intro
00:34 Soulmates
01:39 Personality Archetypes
05:08 The Economics of Divorce
06:22 Meaningless Sex
07:33 Polyamorous Relationships

My Favourite Note-Taking App for Students – Notion (2020)

In this video, I explain my method for note taking using Notion to help understand, remember and organise my studying. And there’s a cheeky surprise in store if you watch till the end 🙂 Enjoy!

The Best Productivity Apps for Students

In this video, I’m joined by Francesco from the YouTube channel Keep Productive. We discuss 6 categories of apps that we used (and still use) for productivity and studying. Enjoy xx

How I use Notion (on Francesco’s channel) – https://youtu.be/VOJPtvCfvxk

00:34 – Flashcards – Anki, Quizlet
02:06 – Note-taking – Evernote, OneNote, Notion
04:37 – Handwritten note-taking – Notability
07:02 – To-do lists – Todoist, Google Sheets
09:12 – Pomodoro Timers – Forest
10:52 – Journalling – Day One, physical journal
12:51 – Closing remarks


1. My most popular video introducing Active Recall – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukLnP
2. My 2nd most popular video about Spaced Repetition – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-zNH
3. How to learn new content – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBXnx
4. The Retrospective Revision Timetable – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7o09
5. A playlist of my study tips videos – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

The 5 Magical Apps That Changed My Life

👉🏻 Sign up to Notion for free – https://bit.ly/alinotionreading

Hey friends, in this video I’ll be going over a neat framework for taking notes from podcasts, articles and books and integrating them into my second brain, Notion.


Notability雖然是一個收費($68),專為iPad Pro設計的編寫筆記app,但絕對是一個功能最合學生用家需要的應用程式,就連劍橋大學醫學院第一榮譽畢業的YouTuber:Ali Abdaal都對這個app推崇備至。
香港本地大學生YouTuber,以粵語介紹iPad app – Notability(手寫筆記app)各項功能,以及講出使用Notability比坊間其他編寫筆記的app有甚麼更優勝之處。