OUHK – 教師素養系列:三心兩意的數學教師


The Best Teacher I Never Had (by Bill Gate)

Bill Gate介紹他認為最出色的教師,究竟有甚麼特質。
這段影片,Bill Gate介紹了諾貝爾物理學獎得主Dr. Richard Feynman。
除了物理學知識探索的成就外,Dr. Feynman也是一位出色的教師。他的「費曼學習法」,亦啟發很多學生,更有效率地吸收消化知識。

熱血教師 The Ron Clark Story (2006年電影)

Ron Clark: The Essential 55

Randomly put 30 students in his class, no matter what the previous grades and conduct, he can teach the whole class to be top students.

“I start to take a class every year, and I am very clear in my heart that I only have one year to change the life of every child in the class. I am determined to give my students a different life and a better life. “

In his first year of teaching, some parents couldn’t stand his strict discipline of their children and called the police to arrest him. In his fifth year of teaching, at the age of 28, he has won the “Best Teacher Award in the United States” and has been invited three times to lead students to the White House to meet the President and share the joy of education.

For him, teaching is to create surprises and to create unforgettable experiences for children. In the schools he taught, the students came from the poorest families, and the schools were not rich in resources. But with his enthusiasm, and the “Essential 55” introduced in this book, as long as the students who have been taught by him will definitely improve their grades by leaps and bounds, the students will also become polite.



