The Application of Chord Progression on Piano / Keyboard

五線譜與鍵盤樂器/鋼琴的對照 – 第一課
The Conversion of Music Staff to Keyboard / Piano Lesson 001

流行樂隊教學 – 鋼琴/鍵盤教學 – 第二課
鋼琴練習(一) – 一雙手 – 正歌(Verse) 的基本鋼琴/鍵盤伴奏方式
Pop Band Tutorial: Piano / Keyboard Lesson 002
Piano Ex.001 – Phil Lam – A Pair of Hand: The Basic Piano Accompaniment Patterns of the Verse

(根音和弦進程) Piano Roll版
Piano Accompaniment +
Vocal Melody
Root Chord Progressions
(Piano Roll)

(下行低音和弦進程) Piano Roll版
Piano Accompaniment +
Vocal Melody
Descending Bass Progressions
(Piano Roll)

Piano Accompaniment with
Descending Bass Progressions
(Live Piano)

鋼琴伴奏+主音旋律 實體彈奏版
Vocal Melody with
Piano Accompaniment
(Live Piano)

流行樂隊教學 – 鋼琴/鍵盤教學 – 第三課
鋼琴練習(二) – 一雙手 – 正歌(Verse)頭一句的三種鋼琴/鍵盤伴奏方式
Pop Band Tutorial: Piano / Keyboard Lesson 003
Piano Ex.002 – Phil Lam – A Pair of Hand: 3 Piano Accompaniment Patterns of the 1st Half of Verse

鍵盤和弦節奏型 – 伴奏

Keyboard Chord Pattern 01

Piano Roll版
Keyboard Chord Pattern 01
(Piano Roll Version)

Keyboard Chord Pattern 02

Piano Roll版

Keyboard Chord Pattern 02
(Piano Roll Version)

Keyboard Chord Pattern 03

Piano Roll版
Keyboard Chord Pattern 03
(Piano Roll Version)

鍵盤和弦節奏型 – 伴奏+主音歌詞

Keyboard Chord Pattern 01
with Vocal Part


Keyboard Chord Pattern 02
with Vocal Part

Keyboard Chord Pattern 03
with Vocal Part

Voice Out Left and Right can Help You Manage the Playing!

流行樂隊教學 – 鋼琴/鍵盤教學 – 第四課
鋼琴練習(三) – 一雙手 – 正歌(Verse) 的旋律
Pop Band Tutorial: Piano / Keyboard Lesson 004
Piano Ex.003 Phil Lam – A Pair of Hands: Melody of the Verse

How to Use Soundtrap to Play the Verse 1 of ” A Pair of Hands”
Special Video for 4E Students who are Taking the Online Zoom Lessons

正歌右手旋律 (Piano Roll)
Melody Only (Right Hand)

of the Verse (Piano Roll)

正歌雙手旋律與低音 (Piano Roll)
Melody & Bass (Both Hands)

of the Verse (Piano Roll)

鋼琴練習(三) – 一雙手 – 副歌(Chorus) 的旋律
Piano Ex.003 Phil Lam – A Pair of Hands: Melody of the Chorus

副歌右手旋律 (Piano Roll)
Melody Only (Right Hand)

of the Chorus
(Piano Roll)

副歌雙手旋律與低音 (Piano Roll)
Melody & Bass
(Two Hands) of the Chorus
(Piano Roll)

副歌右手旋律 (實體彈奏版)
Melody Only (Right Hand)

of the Chorus
(Live Piano)

副歌雙手旋律與低音 (實體彈奏版)
Melody & Bass
(Two Hands) of the Chorus
(Live Piano)

流行樂隊教學 – 鋼琴/鍵盤教學 – 第四課
鋼琴練習(四) – 一雙手 – 過渡段(Bridge) 的旋律
Pop Band Tutorial: Piano / Keyboard Lesson 004
Piano Ex.004Phil Lam – A Pair of Hands: Melody of the Bridge

過渡段右手旋律 (Piano Roll)
Melody Only (Right Hand)
of the Bridge
(Piano Roll

過渡段雙手旋律與低音 (Piano Roll)
Melody & Bass
(Two Hands) of the Bridge
(Piano Roll)

流行樂隊教學 – 鋼琴/鍵盤教學 – 第五課
鋼琴考核 – 一雙手 – 正歌 / 副歌的和弦伴奏
Pop Band Tutorial: Piano / Keyboard Lesson 005
Piano Playing Quiz – Phil Lam – A Pair of Hands: 
Piano Chordal Accompaniment of the Verse / Chorus

The Application of Chords on Piano / Keyboard
Assignment 1 – Play the Chord Progression of a Verse or a Chorus of “A Pair of Hands” (一雙手)
習作一 – 彈奏”一雙手”正歌或副歌的和弦進程

The Application of Chords on Piano / Keyboard
Assignment 1 – Play the Chord Progression of a Verse or a Chorus of “A Pair of Hands” (一雙手)
(The Quiz Focuses on the Piano Accompaniment Part ONLY.)

習作一 – 彈奏”一雙手”正歌或副歌的和弦進程

流行樂隊教學 – 鋼琴/鍵盤教學 – 延伸學習
終極鋼琴伴奏練習(Level 01) – 一雙手 – 全首歌曲
Pop Band Tutorial: Piano / Keyboard – Extended Studies
Ultimate Piano ExercisePhil Lam – A Pair of Hands: Piano Accompaniment (Level 01) of the Whole Song

流行樂隊教學 – 終極樂隊合奏練習 – 延伸學習
林奕匡《一雙手》 – 全首歌曲
Pop Band Tutorial: Ultimate Pop Band Exercise – Extended Studies
Phil Lam – A Pair of Hands (Whole Song)