KOL in Music Learning 音樂學習上的意見領袖
Rozette本名是Jenn Beaupre,是一名來自加拿大亞伯達省的聲樂家、唱作歌手。她曾參加過加拿大Idol選秀節目,並在2010年的溫哥華冬季奧運會獻唱。目前擔任聲樂老師,指導學生的歌唱技巧。
Rozette是杰諾傳媒(Club Zero Media)的合夥人。從2014年起,這間加拿大公司與中國極韻文化合作,發起「KROSSOVER RECORDS」計畫,踏入中文音樂市場。
The Chopin Method
Chopin’s teachings translated into biomechanical animations bring new anatomical references to learn or improve piano playing. And this is good for anyone at any stage: beginners, concert pianists, teachers, maestros, etc. Our purpose is to help in bringing Chopin’s technical ideas to a wider audience. We are an independent educational creator. Reseacher and content creator is Dr. Claudio Saavedra. Claudio obtained his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Dartmouth College (USA) and did his post-doctorate work at University of Geneva, Switzerland. He is also a classical pianist.