





康奈爾筆記法 Cornell Notes System

康奈爾筆記(英語:Cornell Notes System),又名5R筆記,是康奈爾教育教授沃爾特·波克1940年代提出的一種筆記方法。 他在暢銷書《如何在大學學習》(英語:How to Study in College)中提倡這種方法。

Free Online Graph Paper / Cornell Note-taking Lined Paper Generator:

如何創建Popplet心智圖(Mind Map)?

心智圖Mind Map是由英國的Anthony Peter “Tony” Buzan 於1970年代提出的一種輔助思考工具。心智圖通過在平面上的一個主題出發畫出相關聯的對象,像一個心臟及其周邊的血管圖,故稱為「心智圖」。由於這種表現方式比單純的文本更加接近人思考時的空間性想像,所以越來越為大家用於創造性思維過程中。
語義的網狀結構,因一個瞭解人類學習的理論在1950年代後期發展起來,並且在1960年代早期由Allan M. Collins和M. Ross Quillian發展成心智圖。由於Collins的貢獻和公開研究(在學術、創造力和生動的思考上的成果),他則被認為是心智圖模型之父。

The Perfect Note-Taking App

Ali Abdaal認為,選擇合適的筆記編寫應用程式,要根據自己的性格與喜好來決定,不同的筆記app有不同的優劣,我們最好就是按自己的個別情況作出選擇,影片於是分析了各款筆記app的類型與優劣,讓我們更容易作出一個,甚至同時使用多個筆記app的選擇。

Hey friends, in today’s video I will be tackling the factors in choosing the perfect note taking app and how I went about it.

00:00 Intro
00:34 Soulmates
01:39 Personality Archetypes
05:08 The Economics of Divorce
06:22 Meaningless Sex
07:33 Polyamorous Relationships

How I take notes on my iPad Pro in medical school – Cambridge University medical student

劍橋大學醫學院第一榮譽畢業的尖子,教您如何運用iPad與Apple Pencil寫筆記:

In this video, we talk about my strategy for taking notes with the iPad and Apple Pencil. I use an iPad Pro but would probably recommend the new 2018 iPad with Apple Pencil if you’re buying a new one. We talk about the benefits of taking notes with an iPad vs traditional methods, we talk about Notability vs OneNote (I prefer Notability), and I share various techniques of note-taking that I use in lectures, seminars and hospital placements. Enjoy xx

00:48 – iPad vs hand-writing vs typed up notes.
03:19 – iPad Pro vs normal iPad with Apple pencil
04:18 – Notability vs OneNote – Which one I use
06:54 – How I take notes with Notability in lectures
08:31 – How I take notes in seminars with handouts
09:27 – How I take notes in clinical settings + split screen mode
11:07 – Annotating PDFs with Notability and iPad
11:41 – Sheet music annotation
12:16 – How I use the iPad to take notes in day-to-day life
13:03 – Wrap up

My Favourite Note-Taking App for Students – Notion (2020)

In this video, I explain my method for note taking using Notion to help understand, remember and organise my studying. And there’s a cheeky surprise in store if you watch till the end 🙂 Enjoy!


How I Type REALLY Fast (156 Words per Minute)


Get a 2 month FREE trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/aliabdaal0820

Hey friends, today I’m bringing you a long requested video about how I type fast and how you can also vastly improve your typing speed using my tips.



00:00 – Intro
03:00 – Learn keyboard shortcuts
04:37 – Practice on 10fastfingers.com
06:12 – Practice on keybr.com
07:50 – Try to use only the keyboard
09:56 – Try to never look at the keyboard
10:43 – Fingers to correct resting position
11:16 – Try to make noise
12:12 – Treat it as a game