Marching Band 步操樂團
What is Marching Band? 甚麼是步操樂團?
A marching band is a group of instrumental musicians who perform while marching, often for entertainment or competition. Instrumentation typically includes brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Most marching bands wear a uniform, often of a military-style, that includes an associated organization’s colors, name or symbol. Most high school marching bands, and some college marching bands, are accompanied by a color guard, a group of performers who add a visual interpretation to the music through the use of props, most often flags, rifles, and sabres.
行進樂隊(Marching band)也稱為儀樂隊、步操樂隊等,是一項結合步操與樂器演奏的戶外表演和比賽方式,樂器主要銅管、木管和打擊樂器。儀樂隊的演奏者身穿仿軍事風格的制服, 制服上包括學校或組織的符號、筒狀軍帽(、遮陽帽、手套、肩帶和斗蓬(等配件。