Electronic Music 電子音樂

音樂科Final Project的要求
1. 廣播劇
2. Loop-based Music (以音樂短句砌成的音樂作品)
1. 網上影片配音
(以上兩項均必須包含對話dialogue、聲效sound effect / foley及背景音樂background music)
2. 自拍影片兼配音
3. 音樂錄像(MTV)
1. 任何樂器的現場獨奏或合奏 (可與影片互動合奏)
1. 其他與音樂相關的製作或表演 (必須得到音樂老師的批准,故請自行聯絡宇宙sir商量)
1. 作品約30秒至3分鐘不等,視乎質素。若作品超過3分鐘,口頭報告時只能選擇3分鐘重要片段在同學面前播放。
2. 組員可令用其餘5-7分鐘,向同學講解:
3. 組員分工情況 (必需紀錄在POWERPOINT / WORD [Final Project講解]內)
4. 創作意念 (可以用1分鐘播放參考片段)
1. 繳交日期:第一次口頭報告日 (若報告當日未能繳交,全組同學將會被扣30%分數)
2. 繳交方法:
a) 在課堂報告前,預先將製作電腦檔案放在音樂室電腦的桌面,或
b) 將所有製作檔案燒錄成DVD-R繳交檔案名稱:班別+組員的順序學號,如5ft 9,12,19,22(請開一個folder將所有製作檔案放入裡面)
3. 繳交項目:
a) 完成品檔案 (格式必須是──聲音:wav;影片:mp4 / mov / wmv)
b) 製作檔案 (audacity / window movie maker project / 會聲會畫 project檔 / final cut pro project檔 / adobe premiere project檔 etc…)
c) 口頭報告內容 (POWERPOINT檔 / WORD檔)
d) DVD-R / CD-R (optional)
1. 創作意念的清晰度 (15%)
2. 作品所使用的音樂技巧 (15%)
3. 口頭報告的表現 (10%)
4. 準時繳交 (10%)
The Requirement of Music Final Project
Please group by yourself (from 1-5 person(s) a group). With the music production techniques and ideas from S.5 music lessons, and choose one of the following music production option for your S5 music final project.
Part 1: Multimedia Production:
Audio Production
1) Radio Drama
2) Loop Music (Music works made up of short musical phrases)
Short Film Production
3) Online Video Dubbing
4) DIY Drama Video
5) Music Video (MTV)
Live Performance
6) Live solo or ensemble of any musical instruments (interactive ensemble with video)
7) Other music-related productions or performances (must be approved by music teacher, so please contact Mr. Wang for the arrangement)
Part 2: Oral Presentation:
1) Duration of your work: 30 sec. to 3 mins. depending on its quality. If the work exceeds from 3 mins, only 3 mins of essential excerpt can be selected for the oral presentation in front of the audiences.
2) It is recommended that students prepare a PowerPoint for oral presentation
3) Group members may make use of the remaining 5-7 mins. introduce the ideas behind the productions:
a. Division of labor (must be recorded in the PowerPoint)
b. Ideas behind the production (You may play 1 min of reference video if necessary.)
c. Production process / Schedule
d. Technical problems you faced
e. Technical solutions
f. What you learnt during the production process
Part 3: Submission of the Production Files:
1. Date of submission: The first day of the oral presentation. (If you fail to submit the presentation files on time, all students in the group will be deducted 30% of music marks)
2. How to Submit:
a) Before the oral presentation, put your production files onto the desktop of the staff computer in the music room in advance, or
b) Burn all production files into DVD-R for submissions. (File Name: Class + Full Name of Group Members’ sequential class no., such as 4Ft 9, 12, 19, 22. (Please open a folder and put all the production files into it.)
3. Items to be submitted:
a) Finished product file (The format must be sound: wav; video: mp4 / mov / wmv)
b) Production file (audacity file /. Window movie maker project file / final cut pro project file / adobe premiere project file, etc…)
c) Powerpoint for oral presentations
d) DVD-R / CD/R (optional)
Criteria of Marking
1. Clarity of Production Ideas 30%
2. Musical Techniques Used in the Work 30%
3. Oral Presentation 20%
4. Punctuality of Submission 20%